Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency is really aimed at accredited investors! Don’t be fooled
Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency is really aimed at accredited investors
Facebook announced their Libra Cryptocurrency but there are two coins being “minted”.
Libra coin has 2 very distinct and separate uses, it is in fact two separate coins. While one coin will be used for mass adoption for the unbanked approx. 2 billion people globally the second is aimed directly...
10 Reasons why STO (Security Token Offering) Will Become Huge Investment vehicle
10 Reasons why STO (Security Token Offering) Will Become Huge Investment vehicle
In 2017 the world learned about initial coin offerings (ICO) as the start-ups began raising capital in a new and innovative way. In 2017 and 2018 more than $14 billion as invested through ICOs in Blockchain companies as investors were eager to cash in on the crypto craze....